Bio Schwarzerde Sonnenerde, 20 Liters
Bio Schwarzerde is a highly nutrient-rich premium soil, developed following the Terra Preta principle. It is ideal for growing vegetables, flowers, and for use in raised beds. This ready-to-use soil can be applied at any desired thickness and ensures long-lasting soil fertility improvement.
Usage of Bio Schwarzerde
Bio Schwarzerde is a ready-to-use soil, perfect for outdoor use or in raised beds. It can be applied at any thickness, but a minimum layer of 20-30 cm is recommended for planting root vegetables.
To maintain optimal soil structure, Bio Schwarzerde should always be covered with a layer of organic material. Our biofiber is ideally suited for this purpose, but other organic materials such as grass clippings from your own garden can also be used. The high content of activated biochar in this soil stores all the nutrients from the mulch material until they are either absorbed by the plants or transformed into valuable humus.
Note: This soil has an exceptionally high water retention capacity. Therefore, always check if additional watering is necessary before irrigating.
This product contains stable, climate-active carbon. The carbon content has already been certified and offset through CO2 certificates. Therefore, further sales of such certificates for this product are not possible.
Production of Bio Schwarzerde (Terra Preta)
Our Bio Schwarzerde is the result of six years of intensive research. A key focus was on replicating the microbiological properties of the original Terra Preta. The carefully balanced composition of this living soil (Living Soil Grow) includes bio-compost, biochar, rock dust, brick chips, loamy sand, and horn shavings. The bulk density of this mixture is 1.0 t/m³.
Outstanding Yields and Climate Protection with Bio Schwarzerde
Numerous trials have demonstrated that this soil can yield up to 25 kg of vegetables per square meter – without the need for additional fertilizers or pesticides. This exceptional fertility remains stable over the years and does not diminish.
Moreover, this soil acts as an effective carbon sink, contributing actively to climate protection through its purchase and use. The carbon stored in the biochar remains stable for centuries. With proper care, such as mulching, additional humus and carbon accumulate in the soil.
It is a great feeling to not only achieve maximum yields but also have less work and actively contribute to climate protection at the same time!
The included horn shavings serve as a long-lasting nitrogen fertilizer, which is slowly broken down by fungi. A white fungal network is, therefore, a sign of high biological activity and is completely normal.